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KS1 - Squirrel Class, Fox Class, Badger Class and Otter Class

Welcome to KS1

In order to make learning exciting, inspiring and relevant, we plan our learning through ‘Themes’.  The themes change every half term and are embedded across the curriculum.

As part of an engaging curriculum, there will be opportunities for children to go on exciting school trips and meet visitors which will help them to deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Year One

When the school year starts in September, many Year One children have only just had their fifth birthday so it is important that the transition from Early Years to Year One allows them the opportunity to continue learning through first-hand experiences.

Year One continues to provide many of the opportunities that children will already have experienced in Early Years, including opportunities for role-play, creativity exploring and investigating. English, Maths and Phonics lessons are taught every morning with the wider curriculum being taught in the afternoons.

Alongside on-going assessments, the National Phonics Test is taken by Year One children during the summer term.

Year Two

The Year Two children will continue to develop as independent learners and work towards developing dynamic, enquiring minds. Mirroring Year One, the children will be taught English, Maths and Phonics daily with the wider curriculum being taught in the afternoon.

At the end of Year Two children are assessed against end of key stage expectations and results in reading, writing and maths are published nationally.

School Year 2024-2025

We will update the Curriculum Overviews and Newsletters each half term. Please note that these will only be available for the current school year via the website.

Please feel free to speak to any member of the Key Stage 1 team for further information.

Foundation Subjects LTP

Half Termly Curriculum Overviews

Curriculum Newsletters

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