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Admissions To Our School

New Parents

Children enter Elmswell Primary School during the academic year in which they have their fifth birthday.

Primary School

Most children transfer from our own Nursery and local pre-schools and close liaison takes place between these establishments and with parents before children start school. This enables pre-school knowledge to be passed on to Early Years staff at Elmswell and ensures that we have a very clear picture of a child’s needs before they start.

At Elmswell we aim for all children to feel confident and happy from their first day at school. During the summer term before they enter, Early Years children and parents are invited to taster sessions. Children and parents join in with activities led by Early Years staff and this really aids a smooth transition into school life as well as giving parents ideas of things they can do with their child at home.

A meeting for all new parents of children about to start in Early Years is held in the summer term.

Prospective and new parents are encouraged to attend the taster sessions and parent meetings that the school organises. This enables parents to find out through first-hand experience how children learn at Elmswell School. If you would like to visit the school please contact the school office (01359 240261) to make an appointment.

Admissions to Elmswell School Nursery:

Our Nursery Class is open for 5 days a week (mornings) and the sessions run from 8:50 until 11:50. Children can start at the age of three (during the academic year that they turn four). Enquiries regarding applying for a place at our Nursery can be made via the School office – 01359 240261. Please note that applications for entry in to our Reception year will need to be made via the Suffolk County Council Schools Admissions Team, even if your child attends our Nursery.

Admissions Team 0345 600 0981
E-mail:   admissions@suffolk.gov.uk

In-Year Admission to Elmswell School:

If you wish for your child to attend Elmswell CP School please contact the Admissions Department at Suffolk County Council, who will have our most up-to-date numbers and current application numbers.  They will guide you through the admissions process.  For further details please take a look at www.suffolk.gov.uk/admissionstoschools or contact them on 0345 600 0981 or email  admissions@suffolk.gov.uk.

Forms used for Admissions

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