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Forest Schools

This year, the children in Key Stage 1 will be given the opportunity to take part in Forest School. Badger Class will have their Forest School session in the Autumn, Fox Class in the Spring and Squirrel Class in the Summer. The sessions will be led by Miss Crooks, who will be accompanied by the teacher of the class participating in Forest School. Each session will be on a Tuesday afternoon.

About Forest School

Forest School is an inspirational process that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.


The Forest School Association


The Forest School approach creates a space in which children feel inspired and motivated to learn. By having a direct experience with nature, this active learning style nurtures the social, emotional and physical development all children need in order to become more independent and confident learners. The activities on offer during Forest School provide children with different experiences which aid and support skills needed for their life-long development. The skills learnt through Forest School in the outdoors will continue to develop within the classroom.


Forest School aims to stimulate a child’s holistic development through child-led play and investigative activities. These activities are small and achievable, enabling each child to feel empowered by their successes. Children are given ownership over their learning and are free to follow their own interests and develop their own learning at their own pace.


The activities on offer during Forest School provide children with different experiences which aid and support skills needed for their life-long development.

Woodland Wonder Club

Woodland Wonder is an after school club which will be offered to children in Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. The children will be able to take part in a range of team games, gardening activities and woodland crafts. Similar to the Forest School approach, the children will be able to choose which activity they would like to take part in and the sessions will be tailored towards their interests.

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